Oracle Hierarchical Query in Hibernate
When you need then there is no replacement of Oracle hierarchical queries. At the same time we would like Hibernate to do the hard work of mapping result set to entities. Here is an example of Hibernate Native Query which would fetch the organization chart from famous scott.emp table.
Session s = (Session) em.getDelegate();
String orgChartQuery = "select {emp.*} from EMP {emp} \n" +
"start with emp.mgr is null \n" +
"connect by prior emp.empno = emp.mgr\n" +
"order siblings by ename";
List list = s.createSQLQuery(orgChartQuery)
.addEntity("emp", Employee.class)
Now suppose we want to render this in a tree control with breadcurms. We can use the following query.
Session s = (Session) em.getDelegate();
String orgChartQuery = "select sys_connect_by_path(emp.empno, '/') breadcrum,\n"+
"level, {emp.*} from EMP {emp} \n" +
"start with emp.mgr is null \n" +
"connect by prior emp.empno = emp.mgr\n" +
"order siblings by ename";
Breadcrums willl give you path to the object from the root and level gives the 1 based level in the tree.